get hands-on work experience AND earn up to $2,400 this summer!
Applications open April 1, 2025.
Register today to express interest and receive a notification when the application is open!

about the program
The Summer Youth Employment Program connects Summit County youth ages 16-18 with valuable work experiences and an opportunity to earn up to $2,400 during an eight week period over the summer.

great pay! $15/hour, 20-hour work week

June 9 start date

positions that support career interests and pathways
available positions
Jobs are available in a variety of sectors including:
- Advanced manufacturing
- Allied health
- Automotive technology
- Business and entrepreneurship
- Construction
- Early childhood education
- Education professions and leadership
- Healthcare (non-clinical)
- Information technology
- Marketing
- Theatre
- Travel and tourism
- And more!

disability support
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) provides a range of services to support youth with various disabilities, including physical, learning, mental health, sensory, hearing, vision and more.
Contact Kenneth A. Crookston, OOD Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor, by email by phone (216.956.5843) for more information.
become a work site
Employers play a big role in the development and success of our youth. Learn more about becoming a host work site for youth.
in collaboration with: